Many who call for the building of a border wall do not realize that it already exists. A recent project by
JR Artist recently called attention to this division that has already been imposed, through an installation in Tecate/Tecate.
One important image is of a baby overlooking the wall. Babies, of course, do not understand such barriers.
As someone who spent seven years living near the border, I am even more intrigued -- and encouraged -- by the picnic that was held as part of the celebration of this art. A band ("conjunto" in Spanish, or "together") was divided by the wall but played together for those who had assembled for the meal.
Image: JR Artist -- be sure to read his description and the comments |
In hurricanes, the term "eye wall" refers to the very turbulent ring of clouds surrounding the calm center of the storm. The picnickers who ring this eye are exhibiting calm within a storm of a different kind.
The artist and an agent were able, near the end of this multi-day exhibit, to share a cup of tea.
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